This morning, the Juniors boarded the bus with all of the other campers. Ed dropped us off in Eldorado Canyon, where we sang What Can Make a Hippopotamus Smile, The Beaver Crawl, and played a round of Evolution. Because we had such a gung-ho group, the Juniors took a hike along the Rattlesnake Gulch trail. We spied Turkey Vultures, Rock Doves, a brass rattlesnake, and tons of spider webs! We had lunch with a great view of the canyon. On the hike back to the bus, Jasmine taught us how to sing the Itsy-Bitsy Spider in Spanish after we looked for things spiders would like to eat. We continued with a spider story back at Base Camp. We made our very own spiders out of egg cartons and pipe cleaners. Watch out- one is a black widow! We had time for some free play before debriefing with a spider web. Altogether, we sang On Top of Spaghetti, mixed our gorp, chowed down on snack, and headed home. See you tomorrow for our hike at South Mesa!

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