We had an awesome pool day today in Eldorado Canyon! We started off our day with some fun morning songs, including the Shark Song and The Princess Pat. Then, we played an all camp game called Categories, where the campers got to divide into groups according to their different favorite foods, books, and movies. Then, we headed to the pool, where everyone learned the pool safety rules and passed the AO swim screen. Then, we swam all day!

The Flaming Purple Plutonium Ploppy Peppers, the Skeletons, the Pickleberry Kumquats, and the George McOutdoor Griffins had tons of fun swimming and making lanyards. We had a great sunny day, and the slide was a camper favorite, as was the diving board! Cabin groups enjoyed swimming, and used up lots of sunscreen. A record 25 bottles of water was drunk by the Flaming Purple Plutonium Ploppy Peppers. Snack was delicious watermelon–everyone gots thirds because everyone was hungry from swimming. We ended our day with some quieter afternoon songs, including I Love the Mountains and, of course, our old standard, On Top of Spaghetti. We’re excited to head back into the canyon tomorrow!

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