We had a fun day in the Canyon–we were truly altogether outdoors, because our Denver camp came up to the canyon for the day as well! We began our day with some great songs, including the Beaver Song and Around the World. We then played a great game of Giants, Wizards, and Elves to get our blood moving, and then put on sunscreen and started our day. The Neon Stinky Dinosaurs headed up Rattlesnake Gulch trail, while the Pegacorns and Minotaurs created tumblebugs, played with toobeez, and created an object for our camp time capsule, and the Old Men on Roller Skates played Australian rules baseball, worked on lanyards, and played with the camp’s magic hoop. It was pretty hot today, so we drank lots of water and got refreshing spritzes from the spray bottles. In the afternoon, we ate some delicious gorp mixed by the Neon Stinky Dinosaurs and finished our day with some quieter songs, including Bumblebee Tuna and On Top of Spaghetti. Tomorrow is our final day of the session–we’re looking forward to cabin group skits and closing our time capsule! See you there!

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