Our week of Slitherin’ Reptiles is off to a fantastic start.  We have two rock-star groups, the Stars Draco Lizards and the Star Peace Invisible Reptiles.  Both groups had an exciting time looking for insects and reptiles at Sawhill Ponds!  We also enjoyed making and sharing our water bottle covers, playing “What Time Is It Mr. Turtle,” and engaging in camper-led games.  Everyone worked hard to get to know someone new and become familiar with our camp day.  We finished off the day with a great group picture, some delicious snack, and a chance to share our favorite experiences from the day!

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Director Tommy

1 thoughts on “Rocking Reptile Week

  1. Ned says:

    When I went to camp today it was so fun. And I loved having new friends — I had a good time being with the junior leaders! And my name is Ned.
    I had a fun time finding a lot of daddy long legs.

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