Hi! While I have the chance, I thought I would go ahead and blog about what we’re doing at camp today. We began our day with some delectable oatmeal breakfast, and then headed out for some horseback riding! Every camper filled up their water bottle, slathered on some sunscreen, and then we all headed to the stables to get our mounts and ride! Campers enjoyed watching the very cute stable kittens play while they waited for their horses, and then hopped on and hit the trail. Every camper got fitted for a helmet to wear while riding, and put their water bottle in a sling hanging from the saddlehorn–as one camper pointed out to me, it’s perfect, because you get to both ride AND drink water!

After horseback riding, we’ll head back to camp for some divine lunch and a nice calm rest hour. Campers will have the chance to read, rest, relax, and talk quietly with their cabin-mates if they wish. After rest hour, we’ll all meet out on the Commons, where Program Director Jen will lead us in a giant game of Scooby Doo! There is a ghost at camp, and all of the campers are the detectives. Working together, they must find and assemble the clues to the mystery–who is the ghost, and what is he/she searching for?? Once the campers get the ghost what he/she is missing, they will have successfully cooperated to win the game!

After Scooby Doo!, we’ll head to the pool for a quick swim, and then will head to the camp gym and game room for some free play–campers will get to make one last GORP order, and will have a chance to start one final lanyard, piece of jewelry, or hemp bracelet. They will also play those final games of basketball, soccer, foose-ball, air hockey, pool, and ping-pong! After our free play, we’ll all wash our hands and head to Grizzly Jack (the camp dining hall) for our final dinner as a camp. I’m sure it will be absolutely delicious! After dinner, campers will have a chance to change into warm clothes, and then we’ll head down to the fire ring to roast some marshmallows for s’mores. After making s’mores, we’ll end our last night of camp with closing campfire–campers will have a chance to acknowledge the friends they have made, the new activities they have tried, and the ways in which camp has been a special and meaningful place for them. We’ll close with some quieter evening songs, including “All My Life’s a Circle” and “Taps,” and then will head back to our cabins to brush our teeth, shower, and have our closing cabin candlelight ceremonies. After the cabin candlelight ceremony, campers will head to bed for one last night of restful sleep, surrounded by their camp friends. I think it’s going to be an amazing last full day of camp!

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Director Tommy

1 thoughts on “Thursday-Horseback Riding, Scooby Doo!, and Closing Campfire

  1. Ian says:

    Sounds like a fantastic time for all the campers, Tommy! Thanks to you and the counselors for making it fun and enriching for our kids. We are looking forward to hearing all about it when Javi gets back tomorrow…



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