Blueberry pancakes started off our day here at camp! After breakfast, campers cleaned their cabins, sunscreened up, and prepared for their second day of first-half-of-the-week activities! Sailing learned assemble their own boats, outdoor exploration learned all about owls and dissected owl pellets, crafts made fairy houses and paper mache, and archery worked on their accuracy. The 1-weekers enjoyed Wally the climbing wall! We were also excited to send off our backpackers this morning for their 3-day adventure through Rocky Mountain National Park. We can’t wait to hear all about it on Thursday!

After lunch, activities continued and we enjoyed some Organized Free time. Swimming in the lake, building animal houses, fishing, playing games in the field, and making lanyards were some popular choices!

For evening program, we started outside in the sun playing some group games and singing a lot of songs! The Handshake game lead by Annie and Jessi was a lot of fun and a great way to get to know everyone better! Jen lead Zebraconious tag, where campers tag the back of other campers’ and counselors’ calves and help tag other players back into the game when they are out. After tag, we headed into the Big Hall to plan Open Free period for tomorrow and Thursday. Campers shared what they’re interested in doing and leading during this space, and they had some amazing ideas! Meditating on the dock, tie-dyeing, frisbee golf, hiking / marking trees, making music, and acting were some of the activities campers came up with to lead and participate in during their third period spaces for the next few days. We can’t wait to see how these new programs go!

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