Today the Denver Juniors went fishing at The Rocky Mountain Arsenal. We started the day as always with a sun screen party and morning songs. After the usual the kids worked as a team to build a cool reptile home out of connection tubes called tubees.
The group imagined they were a reptile family preparing their new shelter for a storm. They communicated wonderfully on how the shelter should be build and protected. We talked about how reptiles have eggs, are cold-blooded, have tough scaly skin and usually have four legs.
We had a great lunch with a view and enjoyed each others company. After lunch we had a short hike and ended by the bridge where we fished. Unfortunately no one caught a fish but had a great time learning how. By the time we were done fishing it was already time for a quiet session inside the learning center.
During quiet time we read a story, came up with our group name, “The Blue Komodo Dragons”, voted on our group rules and had a snack. We talked a bit about how to deal with difficulties in the group which helped to smooth out some issues we had on Monday. All in all in was a awesome day which ended with our favorite song, “The Spegehtti Song”. See you tomorrow!

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