We had an awesome day back in Eldorado Canyon! We began our day with an energetic rendition of “Little Red Wagon” and a super-fun game of Evolution. Ask your camper how it’s played! Then, we did an emergency drill–the campers lined up at the bus in 59 seconds; it was very impressive that they did it in under a minute. After that, everyone sunscreened and drank some water, just to get ready for the day. Then, the George McOutdoor Griffins and the Skeletons headed down the Fowler Trail to go exploring, accompanied by our fabulous bus driver, Ed. At the same time, the Flaming Purple Plutonium Ploppy Peppers and the Pickleberry Kumquats went to ‘do lunch’ at the Cave. It was an awesome hike! In the afternoon, the Griffins made kites in preparation for the meadow day tomorrow, as did the Skeletons. Meanwhile the Peppers continued work on their fantastic canal (see the camp pictures to take a look at it!), and the Pickleberry Kumquats (our junior leader group) spent some time learning about managing younger campers. We ended our day with some delicious gorp, and also opened the Time Capsule prepared by last year’s campers! It was soo exciting to see what last year’s session 1 campers left for us–there was a poster, a picture journal, and a large paper mache owl pellet filled with samples of things last year’s campers enjoyed! It was very cool, and the campers are already coming up with ideas for this year’s time capsule. We ended our day with some afternoon songs, including The Canoe Song and the standard On Top of Spaghetti! See you tomorrow for Meadow day–please wear long pants for tomorrow’s meadow day!

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